Virtua Fighter
2 Files
you'll find various files related to VF2. To start,
you won't find that much here, but as time goes
by I'll try and dig up new and more interesting
stuff. If you have something you'd like to share
with the many people who visit this site, just
send it to me and I'll gladly oblige.
Fighter 2 Direct3D Patch This is the
most important file you'll ever download for VF2. It allows
you to take advantage of your video card's 3D
capabilities. Although the backgrounds will be
somewhat degraded, you'll find that the game
performs so much better when accelerated. Get
this file now.
Virtua Fighter
Ringside Windows Wallpaper I made
this picture to commemorate this site's passing
the 3000 hits mark. Thank you to all my friends
and visitors for helping me reach this milestone.
I hope you find this picture as cool as I think
it is.
try and dig up (or create) more files to share
with you. Keep coming back.
