VIRTUA FIGHTER 2 THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO WOLF HAWKFIELD version 3.0 by Thomas H Harper, a guy that likes to throw Virtua People around CONTENTS -------- -Some General Strategies -Using Wolf's Moves -Wolf's Throws and the Side Kick Reversal -Combos -Low Throws -Wolf vs. Other Character Matchups -Wish List For Future Versions What can be more satisfying then grabbing your opponent's body and flinging him/her/it all over the ring? NOTHING!! Wolf throws people around. That's his job. He's pretty good at it, too. Wolf makes a tough opponent since he can throw and scrap with the best of them. Varying your attacks is the key to success. SOME GENERAL STRATEGIES ----------------------- Wolf is very versatile. His forte is throws but he also has punishing normal moves. His body blow is excellent! Surprise your opponent with Wolf's capabilities... especially his slides. Keep 'em guessing. Throw 'em. Float 'em with the Knee and his Uppercuts. Take to the air with his K+G moves. But don't get too cocky. Wolf has a long recovery time on most of his moves. Be patient, seize the opportunity, and mix up your attacks to be successful. Wolf is also probably the fastest runner in the game. Dash in and out and buffer throws on the way in to make life miserable for your opponent. The nature of Wolf's pounces and some of his attacks tend to leave either you or your opponent on the "warning track" of the ring, especially when it is small. Be careful when you are near. USING WOLF'S MOVES ------------------ These are taken from Chia Jin Ngee's VF2 FAQ. Next to the move name is the Danage Points under "normal" circumstances, i.e. if you don't hit with it as a major counter and get the soft sound, the Execution Time and Recovery Time in frames, and who can reverse the move. A=Akira, K=Kage, P=Pai, W=Wolf. Also remember that a frame is 1/60th of a second. Under Notes: S denotes a foot stance change. Remember that throws are usually easier to land if you are in closed stance. F denotes float and/or combo opportunities are possible if the move hits. G means you are on the ground after the move. Name Motion Hits Damage Frames Reverse Notes ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- ------- ----- Punch P H 14 12,6 PKA F Low Punch d+P L 10 10,8 A Kick K H 36 16,20 PA Low Kick d+K L 17 16,25 A Side Kick d/f+K M 33 16,35 PAW Wolf's Side Kick has good range and always knocks down, plus a pounce is almost guaranteed. His Low Kick has almost as much range! Remember to vary your attacks to keep from being reversed. Also remember that when you use a low punch it only takes 10 frames for it to come out, as opposed for the 20 frames it takes to go into a crouch. Also, you can connect the Two Hand Upward Slap or the Body Blow after a Low Punch rather easily. --- Knee f+K M 30 15,29 SF Uppercut d/f+P M 22 13,22 PKA F Uppercut from crouch FC,d/f+P M 22 15,22 PKA F All of these can float the opponent. Use these liberally up close with your other moves but use the knee sparingly as it has a very long recovery time on the way down. However, you can execute a throw as soon as you land from it. The knee also changes his feet position. --- Running Clothesline f,f+P M 40 24,38 If this connects it leaves your opponent wondering "What the heck happened?" This move CLOCKS anyone standing up. If they duck the both of you will have your backs toward each other, plus Wolf will be at an angle to their attacks. Use the turning slide to punish them then. Watch your opponent's life bar if you do this move. If the clothesline hits a standing defender, you'll do little damage and you can't pounce afterward safely. If it takes a big chunk off the life bar, you've hit the jackpot. Pounce on 'em for more damage! --- Shoulder Ram b,f+P n 20-70 19,32 This move does a lot of damage up close like Akira's bodycheck, and is also good to use in combos. However if the opponent defends you'll take forever to recover. If your opponent ducks you'll flip right over them and get up with your back toward them. Be careful when using this move. --- Backhand Slap b+P H 20 20,32 PKA This move takes a while to come out and even longer to recover. You can use it on the first few CPU opponents at the start of the round relatively safely but that's about it. --- Scissors Kick K+G H 36 20,35 G Wolf is on the ground after this move. It's good for being "offensively defensive" like Shun, plus you can get up a little bit quicker than after you're knocked down so it can be good to lure your opponent into pouncing and, odds are, missing. But if you're playing VF2.1 remember that you'll take extra damage from a pounce if you are pounced after this move. Against agressive opponents this kick is great, especially against elbowing Akiras and rushing Laus. --- Drop Kick u/f+K M 22 23,22 G Somersault Heel Smash b,f+K+G M 30 30,29 G Ballet Kick f+K+G M 36 19,22 S Flying Knee Attack f,f+K+G H 30 23,47 S Seeing Wolf airborne spells bad news for the opponent. The Drop Kick and Somersault Smash are excellent to use since they'll hit ducking opponents, which will probably be their first reaction when they see Wolf getting ready to attack. The Spinning Roundhouse Kick--which I call the Ballet Kick :)--is uncounterable if blocked. --- Body Blow f+P M 20 14,24 P F This move is awesome! Use it often, but remember that Pai can reverse it rather easily. It moves Wolf forward a bit so you can use it to get into throw range, but beware of the recovery time. If it hits as a major counter it will float the opponent slightly. Seize the opportunity! --- Drop Elbow b+P+K H 30 13,25 This move comes out WICKED fast and guarantees a small pounce afterwards! It has a very deceptive range as well. This move hits a crouching opponent only in closed stance. --- Sliding attack f,d+K L 20 16,44 If you can, LEARN THIS ATTACK! You'll be glad you did. The trick is to let the stick go to neutral before you hit down+K, and you have 20 frames to do this motion in. It comes out fast and hits low! --- Two Hand Upward Slap FC,f+P M 30 12,38 This also has a very deceptive range and it flips the opponent over! If you get into a low punch or low kick fight, whip this move out and watch the opponent go flying. You can also use this after a connected Low Punch. Remember it takes 12 frames of Wolf crouching before you can do this move. WOLF'S THROWS AND THE SIDE KICK REVERSAL ---------------------------------------- And now... those oh-so-spectacular throws! Wolf's throw range is .1 meters longer than all the other characters except Jeffry. So use it! The Frames column has the total number of frames the throw lasts until you can move again. Remember to take throw time into account if you are behind in energy and time is running out. You don't want to lose while you're Twirling and Hurling your opponent due to time out! Name Motion Grabs Damage Frames Notes ---- ------ ----- ------ ------ ----- Backfall Suplex P+G H 60 137 G Use this throw sparingly. If someone breaks out of it they'll end up right behind you, and you'll be asking for it then. Use your turning slide--down+K--to avoid their behind-the-back throws. Otherwise buffer in a dash or crouch dash. The best tactic is not to get in this position in the first place, so if you use this throw use it at most twice per match. If this throw misses you'll get an ordinary quick punch. --- Body Slam f+P H 50 178 Use this throw primarily up close. It's easy to execute, cannot be broken out of, and guarantees a hit from your Drop Elbow Pounce afterward! All told this plus the pounce does more damage than the Frankensteiner! Plus, if it misses, you'll get the awesome body blow! --- Twirl And Hurl!!!! HCT+P H 100 226 Be COMPLETELY UNFORGIVING with this throw. Get good at it and fire it off whenever possible. The huge damage plus Ring Out potential speaks for itself. If your opponent is still in the ring, you can run in and pounce them, and on a machine with a short life bar this WILL KO them. Wolf throws the opponent a good distance behind where Wolf is at the start of the throw, so go for the Ring Out if you're in trouble. They'll probably have lost by damage anyway. :) Really punish the opponent by countering with the Twirl and Hurl. You can sling them after a blocked Side Kick with practice. If you miss with this throw you'll get the ordinary Punch. --- Ghostbuster d/f,d/f+P+K H 80 213 Go for style points and 1st grade with this throw! If they really whiff an attack and you have the time and practice under your belt, then by all means drive his/her head into the ground. --- Frankensteiner u/f+K+G H 60 118 This throw does take a bit of practice to learn, but your opponent will wonder how the heck you pulled this off... It's good for intimidation and wowing the audience but remember a Body Slam + Drop Elbow Pounce does 10 points more damage. This throw is best if your back is to the edge of the ring, since the opponent will end up about 2 meters in front of their current position! If this throw misses you are in trouble if you get anything else but the Ballet Kick. So be careful if you try it. --- Double Arm Suplex d/b+P+K+G L 70 179 Tombstone d/f+P+K+G L 70 182 Torso Takedown d+P+G L 60 109 These low throws are PAINFUL. The Double Arm Suplex is the best since it does whopping damage and guarantees a Drop Elbow Pounce afterward. The Torso Takedown is good to use since it is relatively easy to execute, and you can pounce after it too. See the Low Throws section for perfect defensive opportunities to use them. Doing these throws are vital to get the higher grades in Ranking Mode--see the Making The Grade section. --- German Suplex P+G B 80 176 Full Nelson Suplex P+K+G B 85 169 Excellent times to use these back-wrenching throws are: punishing Lion after a missed pounce, punishing Lau and Pai if they miss a pounce after a sweep, and punishing another Wolf after you break out of his P+G throw. However the Full Nelson Suplex is the only back throw in the game that will not grab a crouching opponent. --- Side Kick Reversal d/f+P M 60 83 Wolf's only reversal is a RUSH! to pull off. Use it when your opponent gets predictable with his side kicks. If it misses, you'll do an ordinary low punch, so consider using this motion for your low punches instead of d+P. Here is a list of what Wolf can reverse. Any additions or corrections are welcome. Anyone's Side Kick--d/f+K Pai and Lau's Snap Side Kicks--f+K Kage's Heel Kick--d+K+G Kage's Kick in his P,P,P,K combo Sarah's second or third Illusion Kick--d/f+K,K,K Sarah's Side Kick in her Punt Kick-Side Kick combo--d+K,K Jacky's Side Kick in his Punch-Side Kick combo--P,K up close Jeffry's Big-Ass Boot--f,f+K COMBOS ------ Wolf doesn't get much combo opportunities, but with his damage capability it's no big loss IMHO. But he does have a few real doozies! Note the moves with an F in the "Notes" column. These moves make combos possible either by floating or as a "hardwired" combo like the Punch-Kick. Cool names for the combos are always welcome. :) Description Motions Damage ----------- ------- ------ 2 Punches P,P 28 2 Punches, Uppercut P,P,P 56 2 Punches, Elbow Strike P,P,f+P 48 Universal Punch-Kick Combo P,K 44 "Bazooka Blast" Knee, Shoulder Ram f+K,b,f+P 50+ "Bazooka Blowout" Knee, Punch, Shoulder Ram f+K,P,b,f+P 64+ "Whiplash" Knee, Running Clothesline f+K,f,f+P 70+ Knee, 2 Punches, Uppercut f+K,P,P,P 86+ Uppercut, Body Blow d/f+P,f+P 42+ "Four Fists" Uppercut, 2 Punches, Uppercut d/f+P,P,P,P 78+ "Air Canada" Knee, Uppercut, 2 Punches, f+K,d/f+P,P,P,P 90+ Uppercut 2 Body Blows f+P,f+P 40+ "Avalanche" Body Blow, Low Punch, f+P,d+P,b,f+P 50+ Shoulder Ram Note that the Damage numbers are the bare minimum, especially where the combo ends with a Shoulder Ram. Despite Wolf's arsenal of throws and high-damage moves, one combo you should learn and call on when you need it is the famed Punch, Kick combo. Why? Because it's fast and always knocks down. Holding forward on the joystick will give your initial Punch more range. It's very reliable, so when the match gets tough, remember it. LOW THROWS ---------- Remember to properly execute a low throw, you must be standing and the opponent must be low to the ground. You must also be relatively close. A good habit is to dash in before you do the motion for the throw, especially after moves like Shun's Low Shoulder Backpush. Here are a set of opponent's moves that provide perfect opportunities for low throws. A 'B' before the move means if you block it a throw is possible. An 'M' means a throw is possible if it misses entirely, and an 'H' means it's possible if it hits! Jacky's Low Backfist M Jacky, Kage, Lau, and Pai's Sweep BM Jacky's and Sarah's Leg Slicer BMH Shun's Slow Sweep BM Lion's 2 Low Thigh Kicks B Shun's Low Shoulder Backpush BM Lau's double foot sweep BM Shun's Fast Sweeps after drinking B Pai's Scissor Kicks BM Akira's Low Rising Attack B Jacky's Rising Sweep BM Sarah's Rising Sweep BM Note that if Lau and Pai's Sweep is part of a PPPK combo it cannot be low thrown. Use a high throw or counter method of your choice. Also to grab Jacky and Sarah out of their Rising Sweep you must be fast otherwise you will be Kickflipped. WOLF AND THE SENBON PUNCH ------------------------- Wolf's big throw range plus his versatility opens many opportunities for using the senbon punch. The senbon punch provides the perfect lead-in for any of his throws including the all powerful Twirl and Hurl, plus quick execution moves like the Body Blow. Also the Senbon Punch is good for combos. It is possible to string many Senbon Punches after a Knee, for example. Try using Senbons in place of ordinary Punches in the Combos section. If you Senbon into a throw such as the Twirl and Hurl start the motion when you tap G so you get the throw in in the 11 frame window you have. See Anthony Goh's new Senbon Punch FAQ for an explanation of the Senbon Punch in detail plus Senbon Ethics. Do NOT use the Senbon Punch over and over again to ring your opponent out. DO use it in floats or to set up a throw or other quick move. MAKING THE GRADE IN RANKING MODE -------------------------------- Kudos to Jirawat Uttayaya and his Ranking Mode FAQ for this information. Remember to reach 1st Grade you must beat Dural, defeat CPU Akira within 6 minutes and 30 seconds, and score 100 technical points. Score the technical points with these moves. Remember you must do each move in a separate match. 5 Drop Kicks u/f+K 4 Backfall Suplexes P+G 3 Ghost Busters d/f,d/f+P+K 3 Twirl And Hurls HCT+P 3 Two Hand Upward Slaps FC, for+P 3 Shoulder Rams b,f+P 3 Running Clotheslines f,f+P 3 Backflip Pounces u+K 2 Frankensteiners u/f+K+G 2 Side Kick Reversals d/b+P 2 Torso Takedowns d+P+G 1 Double Arm Suplex d/f+P+K+G 1 Tombstone d/b+P+K+G Try to work in your Drop Kicks, Upward Slaps, Shoulder Rams, and Running Clotheslines in early on since the CPU is a sucker for throws late. Don't give mercy rounds too often since you need to beat Akira before 6'30". If you're looking to save time back up a bit and Twirl and Hurl or Frankensteiner the CPU opponent out of the ring. The best time to get your low throws in is against CPU Sarah, Shun, Lion, and Jacky. If the Bryants' Leg Slicer doesn't knock you down dash in and slam them. Shun gives you many opportunities for low throws so give a mercy round to him if you can. Lion stays low most of the match and Jacky is low throw fodder after a Sweep. Also remember to work in your Backflip Pounces also, and get your Sidekick Reversals in. The easiest way to score them is against CPU Lion and Kage. Just keep doing the motion and eventually they'll try a sidekick, which you should grab easily. WOLF VS. OTHER CHARACTER MATCHUPS --------------------------------- AKIRA Be completely unpredictable when you fight Akira, since has a reversal for every attack zone. Mix up air moves such as the Flying Knee and Somersault Heel Smash. Learn how far his elbows and palms move him forward and try to lure him in and punish him if he whiffs them. Use the Scissors Kick if he gets aggressive. Akira's Dashing Elbows are uncounterable, but if you use the Knee and Akira does anythong else but guard he will be hit. PAI This is probably Wolf's toughest fight. Good Pais will just sit and peck away with fast moves and save the heavy artillery for when you get impatient. Low throw a blocked Sweep. If she likes her Side Kick try the Reversal. She can reverse most high and mid-level moves so as always vary your attacks. Throw at every opportunity. LAU Try to keep him away from up close to you since he's got that incredible float potential. He's got no reversals so try and use the Body Blow, Uppercuts, and in closed stance, the Drop Elbow often. If you feel the Rush coming crouch dash away and Uppercut. Then float HIM. WOLF Ease up on using the Backfall Suplex P+G throw too often because Wolf has two behind-the-back throws. Know Wolf's weaknesses well so you can compensate. JEFFRY Don't use the P+G throw AT ALL because of his monstrously-damaging behind-the-back throw. On a machine with the highest damage setting it plus a pounce will KO you. You can reverse Jeffry's Big-Ass Boot. Also if you block the Big-Ass Boot Jeffry can throw you as soon as he puts his foot down. Use basic, quick moves often. KAGE A tough opponent for anybody. Vary your attacks since he's going to vary his. He can reverse high punches so work the Body Blow often. If he gets close throw him with a quick throw such as the Backfall Suplex or the Body Slam since he will try for the 10 Foot Toss. Don't crouch too much or he will stagger you with an Elbow and then 10 Foot Toss you. SARAH After blocking her Illusion Kicks dash in with a throw. Of course, you can always reverse any of the kicks... She is a fast offensive opponent so be ready to punish her. Her Elbow, Knee (f+P,K) and her Axe Kick (b/d+K+G) are uncounterable. JACKY Vary your attacks. Most Jackys like to go on the offensive, so punish him if he does. Know his moves that are uncounterable if blocked... the Axe Kick (b+K) and the Low Backfist (b/d+P). SHUN Look for the low throwing opportunity and let him have it. A defensive Wolf has the advantage here. Then surprise the old guy and go on the offensive with the Body Blow and Uppercuts. Try not to use the Scissors Kick too much since he has a very fast and painful pounce. LION Work the low throws, Side Kicks, Knee, and Uppercuts. Throw up close, and work in a Slide if you've mastered it. He might go for Side Kicks often so look for the reversal opportunity. If he goes for a pounce, mash the G button quickly and you'll end up behind him, ready to rearrange his spinal column. :) WISH LIST FOR FUTURE VERSIONS ----------------------------- -Many more Wolf vs. other character suggestions -Best thing to do after breaking out of everyone's P+G throw -Neat tricks!! -The characters' uncounterable moves -Comments and suggestions -Great Wolfs of r.g.v.a. Strategies!! -More combos and cool combo names :) This guide is still in the early stages--any help and comments would be appreciated! Also, an html version will be at the Digiweb site soon. This site RULES!! VERSION CHRONICLE ----------------- Version 0.0--After the call went out for a Wolf FAQ, I gladly accepted the challenge, since Wolf became a favorite character of mine. This was just mostly strategies dealing with the individual moves. Version 1.0--All other sections except Version Chronicle added. Version 2.0, posted 1/13/96--Information pours in. Version Chronicle added. D's changed to G's. Version 3.0, posted 1/23/96--More information pours in. Frames and Reversals added, whole guide is updated heavily. Special thanks to Phill Lintern's move analyses and research, Jirawat Uttayaya for his Gamest translations, Michael Im for use of his Saturn, and Lars Sorensen for the kick-ass Home of VF. CREDITS AND KUDOS! ------------------ Chia Jin Colin S. Hyun David J. Michael K. "SuperDoug" Phill Joji Mason Darcy And all my mangled opponents :)